. . . a beautiful Northwest day by any measure. Over the next few weeks, I plan to use this blog to help you explore "you," so that you are not "hiding your tale," and are "using your tale" for your own personal sustainability.
Which is why I'm writing, because in my own words, I am a person who drops everything, to help another human bean realize his/her potential. I love to explore others' possibilities.
Since the last intensive, we have been asked to consider our keywords, key phrases, and arrive at a tagline or description that supports the first two and easily rolls off the tongue when someone presents the question: "Who are you and what do you do?"
I mentioned this at the intensive and am going to make a post on this idea, because several of my friends (and I) have gotten great benefit from this simple little guide to the "inner person" that operates unconsciously when in default mode. I don't know about you, but I go into "default" mode as soon as someone asks me who I am and what I like to do.
Here 'tis: "Strengthsfinder 2.0," ISBN 978-1-59562-015-6, written by Tom Rath, ranked a bestselling author by the New York Times for his book "Wellbeing." This is not the time to save pennies. Buy a new book (hardback or Kindle reader) which contains a unique personal identifier/access code in the back of the book. This code is required in order to the online survey, which identifies your top five themes
Before you ask, YES! I have the book, I did the survey, and my (5) top themes are: Activator; Achiever; Maximizer; Adaptability; and Arranger. This book is for anyone who wants to do what you do best, every day, using our natural talents from cradle to cubicle to wherever our journeys take us. This is going to be one of the primary resources for my blogs, so . . . let's explore your possibilities together, shall we?
You're blog is beautiful and I have to ask, how did you come up with the name?